Dr. Claire Stanley
Claire is currently a senior scientist and independent team leader (Team Microbiome-Microscopy) at Agroscope, Zürich (Agroecology and Environment Research Division) funded through a prestigious Ambizione grant awarded by the Swiss National Science Fund. The project is entitled "Microbiome-on-a-Chip: New frontiers in Plant-Microbiota Research" and will focus on developing new microfluidic technologies for probling the interplay between living organisms at the single cell level. She has also established several collaborative projects in Switzerland, Europe and the USA.
Previously, Claire was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Prof Andrew deMello in the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering at ETH Zürich (2011-2016) and received her PhD, entitled “Development of high-throughput technologies for the study of drug-membrane interactions”, from Imperial College London. Whilst at Imperial, Claire was awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Society of the Chemical Industry (2008-2010). Formerly, she gained an MRes in Protein and Membrane Chemical Biology (Imperial College London, 2007, Distinction), for which she was awarded the Sir Alan Fersht Prize for producing the best overall thesis. She gained her Masters degree in Chemistry (1st Class honours) from Durham University, UK in 2006 and spent her final year in the Steed lab, investigating the self-assembly of tris ureas to form organogels.
You can find out more information about Claire and her research team at www.claire-stanley.com